www solidcam com 37 Integrated. Easy-to-Use. Complete. Short Cycle Times. Maximum Productivity. Within the SolidCAM user interface, seamlessly integrated into your SOLIDWORKS or Autodesk Inventor CAD, you program milling and turning operations on main and back spindles, control turrets, tailstocks, steady rests and linear tool carriers Milling operations include the unique and patented iMachining technology available only from SolidCAM Easy-to-use Operation Sequence Manager is ideal for synchronising and optimising job sequences across all turrets, channels, and workpieces on spindles, maximising production efficiency Its intelligent engine detect possible clashes and guides you towards solution SolidCAM can control an unlimited number of channels and supports a wide range of machine functions and cutting modes QUICKTECH T8HY MACHINING CENTER SolidCAM – The Future of CAM